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GOCAT Art Gallery is the newest art center, supported by "MANE Foundation", and conceived as a contemporary multifunctional gallery as a gift to the city of Tirana. This Gallery is located in the heart of the capital, at the Pyramid, known also as the new center of innovation and youth.

GOCAT, a name that means Gallery of Contemporary Art Tirana, presents us with a new art space in the heart of the Albanian capital, at the same time an integral part of the Pyramid Center. This gallery will be open and oriented towards the world of national and international art, and from research and artistic support for artists, curators, art lovers, as well as inviting a wide audience to the gallery spaces in order to inform and educate the public with ideas, trends, mediums and art forms of our time. The exhibition halls will be offered at no cost to artists and curators who wish to be part of the GOCAT gallery's artistic calendar.

The current exhibition, "Visual Poetry on Social Photography," presents a thought-provoking journey into the power of images and video art. This site-specific display not only informs but also challenges viewers to engage in meaningful reflection about their role in society. By seamlessly blending social photography with contemporary video art, the exhibition provokes dialogue and fosters a deeper understanding of the human condition. Open to all visitors throughout September, it offers an accessible yet profound exploration of the visual narratives that shape our collective experiences.

Exhibition Highlights:

  • "The Siege" Pavilion: Delve into the stark realities of conflict and the harsh truths of struggle.
  • "Hallow" Pavilion: Find solace and introspection within a space dedicated to reflection and contemplation.
  • "Ordinary Saints" Pavilion: Celebrate the unsung heroes of everyday life, their quiet acts of bravery and kindness.
  • "Poetry" Pavilion: Embark on a journey through the intricate layers of the human experience, exploring its triumphs and tribulations.

Together, these pavilions weave a cohesive narrative that offers a nuanced perspective on resistance, resilience, and dignity. The exhibition invites visitors to reflect on their own roles within their communities and to appreciate the power of photography as both a social report and a catalyst for change.

Art display Art display


Tuesday to Sunday
10:00-14:00 - 17:00-20:30


3 september 2024 - 10 october 2024

"Visual Poetry on Social Photography"
Expo No.2

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Artwork 3

"Those who tried to put the rainbow back in the sky."
Expo No.1

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Artwork 3

Feel free to stop by and see us here!