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Mane Foundation opens GOCAT – the largest art gallery in Albania

Mane Foundation, to bring the artistic contemporary global spirit to the public, opens the GOCAT gallery. This is the newest artistic center and the largest in the country, located in the heart of the Albanian capital.

Gallery Of Contemporary Art Tirana – also known as GOCAT – aims to promote today’s art and artists from around the world. Its spaces are offered at no cost to artists who exhibit their works, while art lovers can view them for free. The gallery will be open for solo or group exhibitions of artists in the fields of both classical and modern art, installations, sculpture, photography.

GOCAT opened with the exhibition “Those Who tried to put the rainbow back in the sky” by the artist Driant Zeneli. Through the multimedia concept in his works, the artist invites the public to a sublime exploration of human potential. His works will remain on display until July 31 and can be visited from Tuesday to Sunday, from 10:00 to 14:00 and 17:00 to 20:30.

With art and culture as one of the activity directions of Mane Foundation, the contemporary art gallery GOCAT will be open and oriented towards the world of national and international art, to inform and educate the public, especially young people, with ideas, trends, mediums, and art forms of our time.

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